Lion & Lamb
Updated: Jan 30
Can you imagine a lion and a lamb
Coming together to play
A predator and its prey
A world with no sorrow, hurt or deceit
No anguish pain or defeat
A love so priceless that can’t be bought
A love that others long for hoping to be caught
This is what salvation brings you
Like the manna of the morning dew
A light so bright that stars can’t compare
To understand would you even dare?
Let me explain who Jesus is
From the mountain top to the ocean floor it is all His
From the story of David and Goliath, to parting the Red Sea
To stopping the leaves from growing on a tree
Breathing life into dry bones
To sitting on the right hand of the throne
For He is the lion and the lamb
That came to save
The ultimate sacrifice He gave
His life for you and I
He takes away sins and fleshly desires die
The Holy Spirit comes to dwell
The testimonies he will cause you to tell
Of new life, salvation and healing
All unexplainable feelings
The prince of peace
A love that will never cease
For He is the lion and lamb